Hi! I’m Dr. Rebecca-Jane McAllister, your Chiropractic and Lower Back Pain expert in Southern Calgary

I help people with low back pain (with or without leg pain) understand and manage their pain, so they can do the things they have to do and love to do each day, without having their lives dictated by their pain!

Dr. Rebecca-Jane McAllister Headshot
Dr. Rebecca-Jane McAllister Logo Icon - Blue

Personal Story

When I was a preteen, I experienced opposite sided knee and ankle pain. Sometimes the pain was so bad that I could barely walk, and other days the pain didn’t even exist – allowing me to dance and play soccer at a high level without limitation. I saw a variety of healthcare professionals, all of whom told me that I was young and active, and this was my body’s way of telling me to slow down and take a break.

One day during a ballet class, my ballet teacher was correcting my posture during an exercise and noted that I had more muscle on one side of my spine than the other. She suggested I follow up with my paediatrician. When I saw my paediatrician, he didn’t know what to say about my knee and ankle pain but did examine my spine and sent me for an x-ray. The x-ray revealed that I had scoliosis – a curvature of the spine. Little did I know that this diagnosis at 14 years old would shape my personal and professional life moving forward.

I was then referred to a variety of specialists and healthcare professionals, and was casted for a back brace. It was at this time that I began to experience more frequent knee and ankle pain, as well as back pain for the first time in my life. The pain became more frequent and disruptive to my life, causing me to miss more and more soccer practices and dance classes. Couple that with having to wear a plaster back brace in grade 9, and I did not have the best attitude towards my healthcare team or diagnosis.

My paediatrician (who was ahead of his time) eventually referred me to a chiropractor, who my mum scheduled me with for an initial consultation on a Saturday morning. Being the frustrated and in pain 14-year-old that I was, I immediately thought “great, another doctor… This is the last place I want to be on my weekend.” However, it was the chiropractor who took the time to explain to me why I had knee and ankle pain, how that related to the curvature in my spine, and why I was also now experiencing back pain. It was the first time in months a healthcare professional had taken the time to educate me on my diagnosis, and it was game changing for me. Chiropractic care and massage therapy quickly became a staple in my treatment plan, and afforded me the most pain relief, as well as understanding, of my condition.

It was at 14-years-old that I decided that I wanted to become a chiropractor.

I decided that if I could help someone the way my chiropractor had helped me, then all the blood, sweat, and tears (and years of schooling + educational debt!) would be worth it.

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Woman in a chiropractic center getting treatment

Formal Training

  • Bachelor of Human Kinetics Honours [Major: Movement Science Co-op & Minor: Psychology], University of Windsor
  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
  • Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, McMaster University
  • GLA:D Back Provider, University of Alberta

Throughout my post-secondary education, I have received several scholarships and awards for academic achievement, philanthropy and service work, as well as research endeavours.

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Clinical Experiences

Since graduating, I have had a variety of diverse clinical experiences. I have experience practicing as a chiropractic locum (providing maternity leave coverage) in both Summerside, Prince Edward Island as well as in Bowmanville, Ontario. Additionally, I have practiced as an associate in my hometown of Oshawa, Ontario as well as with clinics in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories and Calgary, Alberta.

Currently, I am offering chiropractic care within my own practice in SE Calgary, Alberta. I also offer the GLA:D Back Program (both virtually and in person) within my private practices as well as with the University of Calgary.

Do you experience recurrent or persistent low back pain?

If so, you may be eligible for a research study (U of A Ethics ID: Pro0014015 / Version Date: March 26, 2024) only offered with select chiropractic clinics in Alberta – and Dr. Rebecca is one of them!

Interested in learning more? Book your complimentary consultation or initial assessment today to learn if you’re a good candidate! Don’t wait – recruitment for this project ends November 30, 2024!