Media & Speaking

Dr. Rebecca Jane-McAllister, an esteemed chiropractor, regularly shares her profound knowledge both on stage and in digital platforms. Recognized for her vast expertise, she is often invited to elucidate on chiropractic methodologies at major gatherings and is a recurring guest on notable podcasts. Her captivating talks and immersive dialogues educate fellow practitioners and inspire those enthusiastic about comprehensive health. Explore a curated list of Dr.  Rebecca Jane-McAllister’s media participations and orations to tap into her profound wisdom and eloquent discourse.

Home Clinic Shape
Home Clinic Shape

Podcast & Radio Interviews

Microphone in a crowed room to show Media & Speaking events

Speaking Events

Book Dr. McAllister to Speak

Interested in having Dr. McAllister speak for your group, conference, or podcast?

Her personable and practical dialogue delivers actionable strategies that will inspire healthy lifestyle changes for your audience.

Do you experience recurrent or persistent low back pain?

If so, you may be eligible for a research study (U of A Ethics ID: Pro0014015 / Version Date: March 26, 2024) only offered with select chiropractic clinics in Alberta – and Dr. Rebecca is one of them!

Interested in learning more? Book your complimentary consultation or initial assessment today to learn if you’re a good candidate! Don’t wait – recruitment for this project ends November 30, 2024!