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Research-Based Education & Exercise

GLA:D Back Program

Do you experience persistent or recurrent low back pain? 

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Now Offered With Dr. Rebecca-Jane McAllister!

The GLA:D Back program was developed in Denmark and is an evidence-based treatment program for individuals with persistent and/or recurrent back pain that negatively affects their everyday life and function. The purpose of GLA:D Back is to help patients manage their back pain themselves through a well-described and structured course of treatment.

People part of the GLA:D Program getting education from an instructor
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I had the pleasure to be treated by Dr. Rebecca both in the GLA:D Back Program as well as receiving private, hands-on treatment. In the program, I received valuable training as well as flexibility and strength training for my back. I experienced an 87% improvement in my strength, flexibility, and reduced overall pain. Dr. Rebecca is the only chiropractor I’ve ever seen that uses a variety of methods to improve function and reduce pain. I am so happy I found her and you will be too!

Both In-Person & Virtual Program Options

Dr. Rebecca-Jane McAllister offers the GLA:D Back Program both in her private practice (in person & virtual) as well as with the University of Calgary.

Both in-person and virtual program options are available to all residents of Alberta in Dr. Rebecca-Jane McAllister’s private practice.

 *May be covered by chiropractic extended healthcare benefits*

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The GLA:D Back Program is a 9-week evidence-based group education and exercise rehabilitation program for people with persistent or recurrent low back pain. The program starts with a 1:1 initial assessment, where we complete a thorough health history, physical examination, and GLA:D Back specific objective tests to ensure you’re a good candidate for the program. The first week of the 9-week program involves 2 one-hour education sessions, where we review the current research recommendations and treatment guidelines around back pain and back pain management. Weeks 2-9 of the 9-week program involve twice a week, one hour group exercise sessions, where you get to exercise (under my supervision and guidance) to improve your back pain! Following completion of the 9-week program, another 1:1 re-evaluation is scheduled where we re-test the GLA:D Back specific objective tests and make a plan together on how you can maintain the progress you’ve made throughout the program! The pre- and post-program objective test outcomes are provided to the University of Alberta’s GLA:D Back research team, along with online questionnaires you complete throughout the program, to help further understand and develop the research on evidence based treatment options for low back pain. 

Interested in joining the next program? Be sure to join the waitlist using the sign up box above! 
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